
Adding external projects

To add external projects a series of subsequent steps must be executed:


The Manager-User though her/his account must enter all external projects that the organisation wants to add to monitor working time via timesheets in eLMA.

To do so – go to Settings () and choose from the drop-down list “External projects”. Then enter all projects you wish to monitor providing eLMA with the name (a short one, as this, will be visible in the timesheets form in eLMA. If the name will be too long the timesheet will be not ergonomic) and the timeframe of those projects you wish to monitor. PLEASE NOTE that those dates are not necessarily the same as starting and ending dates of those projects! Ending date must be though not later than the end of LIFE project that is lead by eLMA.






After saving changes, Manager-User must then go to the “employees” tab in Personnel module ( ) and choose employees that will be assigned to those external projects.


In a given employee’s form, in section “external projects” then must be added all those projects that this given employee will be assigned to stating the timeframe of this assignment. From now on, those employees can fill in timesheets indicating working hours split on those external projects and LIFE.



  • the timeframe of the assignment might be different than the timeframe of external projects but it still must be within the maximum timeframe shown on the above model.
  • the timeframe of the assignment might not be continuous:



  • if the timeframe of the given employee (see employee 3 on above model) is not continuous there must be added all timeframes in which this employee is assigned to those projects as new records in section “external projects” (marked with 4 double arrows on below model):



Please note!


  • If you add timeframe of the external project for the employee that within this timeframe had already signed timesheets – those timesheets will need to be evaluated if they are properly filled in and will need to be signed and approved again.
  • DO NOT remove already ended projects from the list – either list of external project in Settings module or in Employee’s form! This will erase this project from the application! This means that you will lose already entered previous data in your time sheets. 

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