
Time sheets

Time sheets module allows to enter working time of employees pledged to work within the framework of the project broken down into actions. The module also lets each employee provision working time to more than one project, or to any other kind of work. The module is associated with a calendar of events, i.e. national and religious holidays (non-working days) and weekends. It allows you to enter business trips or days of absence i.e. sick leave.

Time sheets module allows the employer to keep track of the time employees spend on a project in real time (daily) among those employees who are not in the premises of the beneficiary (stationed in the field offices or working ‘remotely’ in the field), allows you to approve the time sheet and prevent its editing by employee. In accordance to the requirements of LIFE + fund, working time saved in this tab is stored for the duration of the project and the program also allows you to generate a timesheet for each employee in a given month in the form of an MS Excel file on the template that meets a EC requirements.

After entering the ‘working time’, you must indicate employee and the month for which you want to display the timesheet (the TS). When the user has been given the appropriate rights, it has the ability to preview TS of other employees (also outside your own organization). Otherwise, the user has the option to preview and edit only his/her own TS.

When you select the relevant data (employee), the user is redirected to the appropriate input form. The TS form consists of columns: days of the month, days of the week, marked presence at work (by default, working days) and absence (weekends and public holidays), an indication of business trip, and 4 columns in which the employee fills out (in accordance with the provisions of the employment contract) the number of hours in a day devoted to work on the given topic (project, other projects, other activities).

  1. In a situation when an employee in 100% of his/her working time is assigned to the project – fill only the first column ‘hours worked within the framework of the project’.
  2. In a situation when an employee has a full time employment in your organization, but only in a certain part related with the project – fill the first column ‘hours worked within the framework of the project’ and one of the other four columns:

2.1. When the rest of the time is spent for the implementation of other projects co-financed from EU funds – fill in the column ‘hours worked within other EU funded projects’

2.2. When the rest of the time is spent on other projects but not co-financed from EU funds – fill in column ‘hours worked on other external funded projects’

2.3. When the rest of the time is spent on other statutory tasks in the organization – fill in the column ‘hours worked on other activities’

2.4. When the rest of the time is spent on the implementation of all of the above, or any of them in any combination – fill in these columns, that properly reflect commitment to the individual tasks.

After you clear the entries in the column headed ‘presence at work’, it is possible to edit the column ‘reason of absence’. By default, the ‘reason of absence’ is indicated as a weekend or holiday. In other situations, i.e. annual holiday, sick leave, you must specify the reason from the drop-down list.

Hours worked on the LIFE+ project are placed in the first column by using the sub-form. To edit the form, click icon. The sub-form opens in a new window, which contains all the actions to which employee has been assigned, together with information (% of working time, hours planned to spend on that action and hours already logged) on effort scheduled to implement them. In the second column, enter the appropriate value of hours. Information about actions and % are only informational and does not affect the saving of the data. But it allows the employee to control his/her working time in accordance to this division.

Remember that when an employee performs – in addition – also other project actions (e.g. other projects) in principle, the sum of the hours spent on the job for the day, should add up to 8 hours. Increasing this dimension is treated by the system as ‘overtime’ and, in case of control of the relevant services, can be the basis for a claim of appropriate compensation for the employee.

Adding external project to your time sheets –

Application allow to add other than one LIFE project into your time sheets so you can fill in only one time sheet for all of them. To add external project please read carefully this post.

Please note! DO NOT remove already ended projects from this list once they were entered – either list of external project in Settings module or in Employee’s form! This will erase this project from the application! This means that you will lose already entered previous data in your time sheets. 



The time sheets need to be signed by the employee and approved by the supervisor/manager.

Signing by the employee –  To e-sign the time sheet, after completing filling in the time sheet click on “sign” button in upper part of the form. New window will appear. To sign the time sheet you need to reenter your account password and click “sign”. The signed TS can be changed by the employee before its approval by the manager but all changes will be recorded in the change log and TS will need to be signed once again.

Approving by the manager – when TS is signed by the employee, it need to be approved (signed) by the manager – supervisor. “Manager” user profile enables to approve “Employee” user proofile’s timesheets. Manager is login in by his/her account and then by passing from TS to TS of their employees is approving their TS. When TS is signed by the employee – a button “approve” in “Manager” user profile is visible. Click “approve” button – a new window will appear. To sign the time sheet you need to reenter your account password and click “sign”. After approval by the Manager the TS is becoming non-editable. It can be reedited only after opening the TS to edition by the Manager who approved it. If the TS is re-opened it need to be once again signed – both by employee and manager.

Approving TS of the Manager – there is special “Manager” user profile designed for employers/directors/supervisors of the manageres. Approving TS of the manager is done by the same procedure as signing TS by employee and approving by the manager. Manager acts as employee and Supervisor acts as manager.


After signing the TS can be exported as e-signed non-editable pdf file and printed any time.


The eligible salary, however, is evaluated only after the introduction of remuneration in the ⇒ employee or non-employee personnel costs tab